길례르미 카르스텐은 브라질 남부에 있는 블루메나우에 살고 있습니다. 2010년에 아동 도서 신인 일러스트레이터 전국 경연에서 우승한 것을 시작으로 일러스트레이터로서 활동을 시작했습니다. 그가 쓰고 그린 어린이책은 여러 나라의 언어로 옮겨져 출간되었습니다. 다른 작가들의 작품에도 그림을 그렸습니다.
Guilherme lives in Blumenau, southern Brazil. In 2010, he won a national contest for new children’s books illustrators, and has been working with editorial illustrations since. His first book, as author and illustrator, « Ride », won the honorable mention at the the 2017 Serpa International Picturebook Prize (organized by Planeta Tangerina, Portugal) and has been published in spring 2019 in France by Le Seuil. His second one « Aaahhh! » has been published by Harper Collins in Brazil and will be, in English language, by Thames & Hudson in autumn 2019. His other titles are published in Brazil, Latin America & Europe. He also develops projects for the fashion and graphic design industries.